Sunday, April 22, 2007


Why do we need toes on our feet? I’ve read about that somewhere …in a kids’ magazine. Let me share that with you.

Toes are actually to help to keep you on balance by bearing your weight. They carry one-quarter of your weight.

The rest will be divided into the 4 other toes and and the heel.

/2 cents worth: So, be thankful even you have got ‘cagu’ cause you might flop without them.


When I was in primary school, I had a skin problem that affected most of my finger tips.

I went through so many treatments but I only remember one treatment that caused me excruciating pain.

The Doctor believed that he needed to absorb the medicated cream and so he had to pull out my nails. Ouch!

I wish I could tell how much pain that I went through. If you want to imagine that…try to get involve with KGB or YAKUZA punishment.

2 cents worth: I’ve been thinking after that…does the Doctor really know what they have to do?


I am skeptical about sales in Malaysia. I just could not see the difference between year end sales, mega sales & regular sales that happen in Malaysia. The sales happen so frequently and it is going on throughout the year.

Crowd is rush just for ordinary items like handbags, clothes, shoes or anything…. during sales. That is so not me.

I only buy when I really need it.

2 cents worth: Never be an impulsive shopper


Do you feel comfortable if people come close when they talking to you?

How near you normally stand to someone when you are talking to them, actually depends on the topic and the person himself/herself.

Do you realise the existing gap? If you do, it means you know about personal space.

I’m not going to discuss about personal space since you may get related information elsewhere.

I am more interested in telling everyone that a mother should build a small personal space with their loved kids.

Don’t forget to kiss and hug them every morning (before you off to work) and every night (before they go to bed).

It may look small to you. But it gives big impact to all and to the world.

Do it now when they are still young. Don’t wait till you waste it up.

This is a simple form of building love in you and your children.

I believe that the bond and the closeness will prevent such violence and aggression in the kids.

2 cents worth: Perhaps Cho Seung Hu need more than hugs and kisses.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

mood b4 assigment

Hey reader,

Got an assignment. This thing. Kind of blog things. Arrrggghhh....quiet apprehensive about it. But, like it at the same time. New thing & new me though.

Well, not really new. I know about blogs. I have read blogs. But not really at blogging.

I'll be back with my 2 cents worth....